Monday, August 08, 2011

let go and let God

it is a time to re-focus to the people who and things that actually matter :)

(12:35 AM) ♥ tal


Friday, July 15, 2011

still on a break

'cause my best intentions are making a mess of things, i have stopped trying ;)

all will be well :)

(3:06 PM) ♥ tal


Sunday, July 10, 2011


i do not count, not at all.

but sometimes it is tiring to just give and give.

soon though i will be at it again.

very soon. i hope.

(2:56 PM) ♥ tal


Sunday, December 26, 2010

why do i believe in miracles?

because i know it's bound to happen soon.

(4:38 PM) ♥ tal


Saturday, October 02, 2010


dear ex crush elect,

i hope it'll be official soon and then i can move on.


(10:51 PM) ♥ tal


Friday, August 20, 2010

LDR with family

I am not so fond of acronyms but since I've been making it a habit to say OMG! to express countless emotions coupled with more online time (as suggested by a dear friend who was in "exile" for two years), I have learned to appreciate the beauty of it. For those who have no idea what LDR means, people like me before my online exposure, it stands for long distance relationship.

There is no doubt that I terribly miss my family. I love living alone and adore my fabulous friends but every now and then I crave to be home so I can go crazy without being judged. Seriously though, I like it when I can accompany Nay to her therapy or visit Tay in his office or barge into Kuya's apartment like it's mine. I even like the routine I notice I get into on weekdays back in Davao. I wake up to eat breakfast with my parents, "help" out a bit, read some chapters then get ready to bring Mico to school. Well actually they drop me off somewhere to work and pick me up after school or I get picked up first and then I welcome them with open arms as they rush out of their classrooms. We then play around but end just in time for me to get home for dinner with my parents and then them with theirs. Of course, it's not all fun and easy but most days it is.

So why this sudden craving to go home? For one, blame it on my latest read Love the One You're with by Emily Giffin but mostly blame it on Strawberry Shortcake.

I sent a text to my Ate Sha asking if the telco she's working for has a promo because if I rest my case on my phone bill then I'm one lucky girl since it says everything is waived for the month of July. I would like to think it's a gift and a grand one at that considering I was in Malaysia for my birthday so I was expecting to shell out lots of cash to pay for those overseas calls. She tells me that she'll check and assured me that should be legitimate and I shouldn't worry about the amount being rolled over to my next bill and adds "Please buy Blueberry Muffin from Strawberry Shortcake for Sam" to which I reply I have never heard of such a restaurant. Turns out that it's all about a toy and that is when I realized I am indeed away from home. The current favorite toys of your nieces and nephews are things that any respectable auntie should know about. So now I've been staring at my calendar and wondering when I can fit in that visit - soon.

I have a very busy schedule until next month so I guess October is the best bet. For now, I shall find solace in my everyday phone call with my parents. That and some Strawberry Shortcake shopping which I think I will enjoy very much :) Toodles for now, I'm off to reclaiming my Best Auntie award!

(2:10 PM) ♥ tal


Monday, August 02, 2010

DAY 9 (exactly after the race)

august 1
10:18 pm

My lazy sundays have gone through several transformations since uni days until today, as evident in my tv habits. When I was in the dorm I'd be stuck in the third floor TV room watching whatever is on from morning until evening, only leaving to get more food from my first floor room or to heat left overs. On good days, I go out to jog around campus or I do walling after mass and quick lunch.

During my advertising days, I didn't have Sundays as every day is a work day for me. I finally had my Sundays back when I switched to a career in media. I went back to being a couch potato. My excuse being my need to be well-informed as that is what my job entails and boy did I take it seriously. Ask me about any gossip then and I'll sure to know what's the latest. Yes, it's that sad but it was fun too. I only get off the sofa when my then roomie would drag me to her work which I'd gladly oblige to since she works for my favorite mall anyway. Also, there were times when I would decide to spend a whole day at the children's section of the mall bookstore finishing a book or two and yeah, I dabbled in making scrapbooks too.

Just recently I gave up watching local tv. Instead I actually spend most hours of my Sunday checking the stores (part of my job as GM of Royce') and spending time with my uni best friend Grasche and her boyfriend Dex. On Sundays when they are unavailable because of personal errands or sickness, much like when you take a leave from work, I cherish my alone time at the comforts of a cafe reading a book or reclaiming my spot at the mall bookstore. Every now and then though I still go lazy and stay in but not to watch tv. Nowadays I prefer to read more books but it's a different story when it's a Formula One Race weekend or when there's a premiere of a new Disney movie because then you'd catch me sitting in my couch eating chips and reaching out for the ice cream strategically situated at the edge of the sala table. Indeed old habits die hard.

(2:33 PM) ♥ tal
